The dog days indeed! Heather is working with a marching band, I am not. This is a big adjustment for me. I've taught almost 10 straight years, every fall. Now, I am not. This sport is a major reason why I love the fall so much. It reminds me of competitions, cold, coffee...
So, I have been trying to keep busy by light work outs, cleaning, and packing our place up. These last few days I've had more energy to do so, but I am slowly sinking into that yearning to be doing something. It is a good thing that I will be starting school up next week, ready or not.
I mentioned I am packing. We are moving out of this place, in with my parents, and then into a house, hopefully by the end of the year. Moving in with the ole' rents is not what we want to do, but to avoid extending a lease agreement here, and not starting another one somewhere else, it seems the only logical thing to do. There are many positives to it though, the least not being that we will save a ton of money for a good down payment. My parents are very cool about this stuff blessed I am! The office is first on the list to pack up, and we've almost packed it all away, just have to move all the big stuff out. Next, the spare bedroom! How fun!
School begins next week. I am not ready, but I think being in my room and office will encourage me to work to get a ton of stuff done. Part of me is very excited for it all, but my mind is just not in that gear for me. Summer was too relaxed, too laid back. This was the first summer in a long time that I haven't done something like work, etc. Getting out of this mode is tough! I remember at the beginning of the summer, it was hard to get into. I suppose I just don't like change. I'll remember that for next year. By then, hopefully we'll have a house and yard that will keep me busy:)
Exercise has been hard to come by. I try to supplement it by working around the apartment and staying somewhat active. I have a hard time doing anything extraneous with my beaten body, but it feels good to move around. Also, I try to eat healthy during the day. I suppose I am not too off track. I just have to be super careful about not grabbing the bag of Gardetto's and sitting down to finish off half a bag (they are soooo good!).
Until next time!