Saturday, February 11, 2012

New Home, New Life, Happy Wife:)

Yes. We are still here blog fans! I am aching all over, I can't stop coughing, I am "weezing," a headache is coming on....yup...I worked out. For the first time in a long while. To bring this blog full circle, I ran a little over 1 1/2 miles at a "decent" clip...meaning, a decent clip for someone who hasn't gone for a jog, let alone work out, for several months. I survived! Heather rode her bike along with me to help the cause. I'm going to make a shirt!

It's been a while so here is an update. We are in our new home! It is amazing. We couldn't help but put a little touch of our own in our new home, so we painted a wall:) We'll post more pictures of the finished product and exterior soon!

As of now, we are just unpacking the last boxes (of many books), and organzing everything. We're brainstorming on how to make our living space the most efficiant and livable. We could certainly use some new stuff to make this work a little better, but that will have to wait a few months. That IKEA decorating philosophy certainly does come in handy.

Talk to you ALL soon:)
