- Sold our house in late June
- Eagle Lake vacation with the Wisswell's
- New position...in Washington!
- 2nd anniversary
- In the process of buying a house (should be mid August)
- started working out again!
- I can feel baby...finally!
- Seattle trip to visit family
- Camping trip to Hayburn State Park, ID.
Staying with the house theme, we are looking at purchasing our second home in mid-August. We CANNOT wait! There are many reasons for this, but mostly because we are excited. We actually plan on living here for more that a year, so it is exciting to know that we can really put some work into the yard and make this place our own, and know that we get to enjoy the fruit of our labors.
We went to Eagle Lake in northern California with the Wisswell's in late June. It was oh so nice to get out of town after what seemed like a never-ending last month of school. This year I was incredibly exhausted from school and really needed a break, so this vacation was very welcome. While down there, we fished a bit (fun fish to catch!) and Heather, Dawg and I visited Lassen National Park. Cool place, but Lassen does not have the majestic qualities of Rainier.
We celebrated our second anniversary (yes! already!) by going camping at Hayburn State Park near the southern end of CDA Lake in Idaho. It was 95 degrees the whole time, bugs literally sucked, and the whole campsite was located on a 30 degree slope that made doing anything a pain in the neck...somewhat literally. We had to belay down a cliff just to get to some water to cool off and, as Heather will gladly let you know, there was a bird nesting in the women's outhouse that "dive-bombed you every time you had to " take care of business (I'm not sure how she worded the last part). Needless to say, we cut off that camp trip after the first night. We capped it off the next night by going out to a nice dinner at The Melting Pot. Mmmmmmm....
So, baby news. I have been able to feel baby quite a bit, especially when we go to bed. Yes, it wakes up when we go to sleep. Sign of things to come? Anyway, feeling the baby is awesome! It makes me so excited! Heather and I, although we really have no idea, are thinking it will be a boy. This is based strictly off of the fact that most kids between the Schlaich's and Wisswell's are boys (5 boys, 2 girls). Really, we are just excited to have a baby:) So, related to baby is our new workout routine. It's more of a, "when I have some time to work out I do," sort of routine, but much better than my, "I should work out....ooooh! Beer!" routine. But I have been doing it everyday. I am starting this for three reasons:
- Heather has to, so I am supporting her efforts by joining in
- I need to ramp up energy for my new position
- I want to be in shape so I can run around with baby
And most recently, our trip to Seattle. We spent a few days with my sis and her husband. It is always a great time with them! We visited my brother, sis-in-law, and nephews. Miss them always! And, we met up with Heather's parents and some old Wisswell family friends who are always a good conversation:)
I think I might be caught up. Later this summer we are headed to the annual Schlaich Reunion in central Washington. And we start school at the end of August. Right now we are planning and prepping for the school year. With the new job I have there is quite a bit to do to get ready. I am very excited for this opportunity and look to make the most of it!
Enjoy the sunshine~!