Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A student once more...

By "a student once more," I refer to being a student of many kinds, but mostly of life!

I haven't written since before David was born. Sam wrote once this summer. Boy have we been schooled! :) Having a baby has been the biggest blessing in our lives, but that boy sure does keep us busy! We are learning so much about ourselves, each other, the world around us, and of course, so much about our son, because of our son. Good thing we like learning!

I am a student in school again as well, learning to become a school leader...a principal. Just like student teaching, there is so much to learn from real-world experience! In short, and for the sake of a brief update, though, I am enjoying learning the theory of leadership, and am also enjoying the opportunity to lead some work at my building.

Now that David is a year old, and I *think* finally above water again, I am recommitting to this blog. Look for some exciting changes coming soon! I plan on changing the title to more accurately reflect the purpose of the blog, and also to  add some pages to separate and organize some things (Family, Home Improvement, Travel, etc.). Hold me to it!

Hope everyone had a relaxing Thanksgiving...we have so much to be thankful for!
