Monday, April 19, 2010

The Physical Part of Our Prowess

Heather and I are constantly coming up with new ways to get out and be active....probably because what we do come up with, we never follow through with. We need money, time and money to make a lot of things work. So, we are going to try to make some more long-term oriented goals. For one, we're going to try to go camping a lot this summer. We figure a campsite, at most, costs around $25-$30, usually less, and we can save up food for those weekend trips. Going on those trips will let us get out and hike, therefore, be more active.

That's the current plan. Wish us luck.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Update...not about food!

So, since Sam wants me to update AND we talked about this becoming more than just about food, but about our life in general as it progresses, I decided to write about life this morning. Here it goes!

My school career is finally coming to a temporary (meaning Ill get my doctorate eventually...later...) close. Oh how I have waited for this day! I was supposed to get two masters, but, due to an unwritten university rule, I would have to RETAKE over half of my classes to get the second degree, so I have "settled" on an MA in music with my coursework emphasis in Music History (that was an incredibly long sentence...I apologize.). My thesis will be written by June and I will be "walking" at the graduate graduation ceremony, but my oral exam will take place in the fall.

My recital is on June 5. This is a bittersweet moment for me, as it will be my last for quite some time. In fact, I don't know if there will be anymore at all. Strange thought to be sure.

This summer will be busier than normal (is that actually possible???). I will be having two surgeries, one on each hand, to try and fix my tendinitis problems once and for all. I will be working at Outdoor Rec again, as well as at my usual summer camp through EWU. Out of the ordinary will be the two week long family vacation to Eagle Lake, Travis, and Yellowstone. I am SO very much looking forward to it. Same will be going with us, which i am also very excited for. I cannot wait to show him my childhood camping spot and create new memories with him!!!

My biggest endeavor this summer will be to find a job! My main goal is to ultimately teach college and I am in the process of applying for a very part-time, one year position at North Idaho College in Coeur d'Alene, ED, teaching music history. It is such a great opportunity, but there are also many pitfalls. I still don't know which will take the heavier weight when and if it comes time to make a decision on taking the job. We shall see I guess!

That's all for now. Really a boring life if I might say so myself! But now you know the news!

This has been weather with Heather...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hi everyone that reads our blog

Hi everyone that reads our blog. Heather and I found a new place to get fat. BUT it's REALLY good food, so it's worth it. I feel like we are continually re-evaluating ourselves and trying. We're not making a ton of headway, but we are really busy. I know that's even more of a reason to make it a lifestyle. I think this summer is going to be really good for us. We can really focus on making that change. The Fall very well might bring both of us great fortune that will allow us to put more resources and mind power to this endeavor.

I'm looking forward to really making this change. I know, I know. I say that a lot, making you ALL think that I'm just spouting words. But, really, our minds and focus is in the right spot. We will get there!!!!


Monday, April 5, 2010


I had a wonderful Easter! And my stomach did too:/ It was good though. Like my sister said, on holidays, the calorie count is reversed, so I probably at -3000 calories or so...I really don't know.

I am going to buy a spinning bike. I think. I found one for $25, but I haven't seen it yet. But really, how good does it have to be? :) Looking forward to that!
