Tuesday, May 26, 2015

End of the Year Chaos!

Sam's principal made a comment to him the other day during his annual evaluation that really made me think about how blessed we are in the midst of the end of year chaos. She told him that she was wondering how we were still married after a year like this one. Between Sam teaching K-12 music (totally unheard of...he is literally doing the work of two teachers right now), my ever-growing music program at school, being in school this year, and having a toddler at home...I suppose looking in from the outside someone might wonder that. And it will only be crazier next year with my internship and applying for jobs again.

But coming from where we are, it doesn't seem so crazy to me. I mean...our lives are crazy, but being married still? It's because we understand and have understood from the beginning. Living the music life through middle and high school, we both saw the lives our our directors. And we signed up for it anyway. In college, our dates revolved around concerts we were performing, volunteering together, working marching bands together, and doing homework together. We established that from the beginning. I knew when I married Sam that he would have concerts, professional development, and lesson planning to do. As he knew about me. We are still married because we get it. I could never be married to someone who didn't. It just wouldn't work. We are passionate about what we do. It makes work/our job so much better - loving what we do.

Now throw into the mix a 19 month old toddler...the love of our lives. We treasure every moment with David. He is our everything. We work for him, we play for him...he is amazing. This weekend we left him with my parents so that I could help Sam drive 11 kids to a music festival in Portland. While we know we both needed the time together (after we dropped the kids off the weekend was ours), and it is important for us to have the time to reconnect, we missed David terribly. It was a little bit of extra sleep, a little bit of freedom, but a lot a bit of missing and talking about him. It is so hard to leave him, but we really do appreciate the extra time to reconnect.

So, as we enter the most busy season of the school year (two and a half more weeks!), it is with great pride that we say we are still married and that this is just our life. We are lucky enough to get to spend the summer, majority of evenings and weekends with our family. It just seems crazy for a couple weeks at a time, a few times a year.

Looking forward -