Thursday, May 23, 2013

Along for the Ride!

Sam and I are such planners (as evidenced by just about everything we write in this blog!). It has been really difficult for us to just sit back and enjoy the ride of life without putting too much planning into things. This afternoon I have had the chance to reflect on the last "semester" - January through now - and really look at how we are doing with NOT planning.

Back in January we PLANNED on refinancing the house. Things went a very different direction and we ended up putting it on the market because numbers were favorable and...why not? We can upgrade, we are making more money - and on continuing contracts finally! - so we figured we might as well try.

Deciding to put our house in the market seemed like an answer to unspoken prayers a week later when we found out that I was pregnant. While we had left it mostly to chance, we didn't really PLAN on starting a family just yet, with the expectation that it COULD happen any time. It happened! And who knew how overjoyed and excited we would be?! Thinking back, I am glad we never went through the "trying" phase of getting pregnant. It feels like so much pressure and well...just not fun. God has a plan...and in both of these instances, we did not! And it felt amazing to not have planned these things.

In keeping with our planning personalities, one would think that we would plan to find out the gender of our baby so we can better ready ourselves in the "proper" color scheme. No way jose! Last week we could have found out, and everyone else around us is just dying of curiosity, but not us my friends! We have decided to go the old fashioned route - no finding out the gender ahead of time. And you know what? It feels amazing to know that it doesn't matter. Healthy and happy are all we could ever hope for. I always said - in my life plan - that I wanted a girl. Period. The end. But since finding out I was pregnant...I haven't cared at all! What a relief!

The months have dragged on a bit and nothing on the house. We were ready to pull it off the market as soon as we get back from Eagle Lake, or even sooner. Our plan was to make that call very soon because I am ready to start preparing for this baby! We are getting tired of having to hurry up and clean and get out of the house for people to see it. Today, really out of nowhere, we received an offer. It was kind of a low ball offer, but the couple understood that we would be making a counter. After several phone calls back and forth...back and forth...back and forth...back and forth...(get it yet?) we settled on a price and all parties accepted. Oh man. I am almost 5 months pregnant, we are getting ready for a huge vacation for the grandparents 60th anniversary, and it is the end of the school year and NOW our house is selling. What in the world?! Oh yea...God has a plan. Now they have to schedule their inspection and bing bang BOOM! We are homeless again!

NOTHING has gone according to plan since the new year, but...we are totally okay with it. We know there is a plan somewhere and as long as all goes according to that plan...we are happy. I am so excited to move into a house that will be big enough for a growing family. And one with a yard for poor Dawg. Could be a busy and stressful summer...but I am kind of liking this no plan thing.

If you are a planner, I suggest doing something out of character and try to NOT plan something for once. It really feels good and is quite the weight lifted off. If you don't have a can't fail! :)
