Thursday, June 25, 2015

Adventures in one parent land...

Summer has arrived! Or at least that is what the calendar says. Sam is off to drum corps. We are only 5 days away from getting him home for one night and I can't wait! I can honestly say that I don't know how single-parents do it. God bless them! David and I have been on our own for just over a week now and while we have definitely gotten into a groove (and discovered how I can take a shower with him awake - quite the accomplishment!), it is definitely a test!

Since Sam has been gone, I got pulled over for the first time (thankfully only because we forgot to put the new tabs on...didn't even get a warning ticket - phew!), cleaned up a gigantic mess from an upset/angry Dawg missing his dad, endured a night of sick Dawg - probably from the trashcan he devoured, have miraculously kept up on laundry and watering the lawn, and dealt with a scary solicitor. David is now sick and has a fever, and we are about to have record setting temperatures for the second time this year, forcing us to vacate our house because we do not have air conditioning.

But, despite all of that ;-), we did drive up to the camp to see Sam for a couple of hours and have lunch, which was awesome! This morning, before David showed a temp., we went with Leslie and the canines for a hike, and I am getting to spend a TON of quality time with him. I am LOVING that part! This is what summer is about! This is why being a teacher is awesome! Even though I have to go into work on Monday, and again on Wednesday for a couple of hours, I am getting to spend hours upon hours with our fun, sweet, energetic, absolutely amazing son. He is learning new things everyday and his sense of humor is just the best. I am so excited and thankful that we will always have summers together and that our schedules will continue to line up when he starts school in a few years (what?!). We are so blessed.

Even though I cannot wait for drum corps to be over so we can spend a few days as a family having all this fun before school starts back up, I have to say that I am enjoying the adventure we are currently on - David and I are becoming quite the team! But I also do not envy single parents. David and I are also blessed to have Sam in our lives and we really can't do it (well) without him.

*On a side note, our neighbor brought up the trashcan today. I can't even begin to describe how thankful I was for what seems like such a little thing, but was such a big help!